Unlock the potential of your underwriting
team to add real value to your clients.

Unlock the potential of your underwriting
team to add real value to your clients.

Designed for efficiency

As an MGA, you’re always running against the clock – turning round your quotes quickly is extremely important but it can be challenging. You can’t afford to make mistakes so every quote needs to be reviewed thoroughly, which takes up valuable underwriter time.

At the heart of the ibroker system lies your own fully customised question set and rating engine.

Every MGA is different so to reflect that each of our MGA’s has their own system and their own code line. This means we can make your own system work for you and you are not reliant on system-wide policies or changes introduced by other users. Essentially, we build a new bespoke solution just for you.

You can then set specific parameters that will trigger an auto quote for those straightforward policies where all your specified criteria have been met. Not only does this mean that your brokers receive their quote within minutes, but it also frees up your underwriters to concentrate on the important complex quotes that need their expertise and offer an improved margin.

Get in Touch

ibroker Manchester

Quay Plaza One,
Media City,
M50 3BA

+44 161 455 0050


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ibroker London

7 Bell Yard,

+44 203 535 0050


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